Saturday, January 29, 2011


hi users,
this blog has been created to discuss the queries and tips in the c programming language......let us all get together and learn it in a different way to grasp all the concepts and earn good command over it....
expecting support from all reader
lets start the journey of learning.


ramdev said...

finally success vamshi.. congo...

vamshi said...

as we are not getting much time to interact with our professors we have this thing,so that we can help among ourselves,and we should try to ask them help to answer our queries in this site

ramdev said...

thats superb idea.... lets have fun in this journey..

vamshi said...

we should success this plan as we can learn in a new innovative way,here anyone who wants to post their programs or some thing new tutorial,
post their email id here,they will be listed under admin rights to post topics,for doubts/queries just comment.....

vamshi said...

we are growing....
thanks for the good startup. friends

Vishwas Patki said...

uve cm up vth a grt idea... its wud hlp a lot.

-Ankush said...

A really good initiative guys.. Keep it up.. Lets start???

vamshi said...

@ankush-thanks for the support

Anonymous said...

let us get started!!

Anonymous said...

hey gud idea...!!!!.....

meena said...

hey gud idea...!!!....

vamshi said...

thank you meena,we will try our level best to success this

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