Sunday, January 30, 2011


FLAMES is really happening and involves a lot of fun. This Love Game connects the smoldering passions of two hearts. This valentine game is very enthusiastic. If you are aspiring to enthuse your valentine and keep up the powerful emotion of love then try out this Valentine Flames. This love game of Flames will help you seek Eros's blessings and you can thank him for all that he had bestowed in your love life. Such valentine games can also be a Valentine's Day gift . Place the FLAMES in the valentine gift basket and bring a thousand watt sparkling smile on the face of your valentine. So what are you waiting for? Just hurry and try the game to see what Cupid has in store for you.

You can play the game of Flames on this programm or on piece of paper. FLAMES stands for Friend, Lover, Affection, Marriage, Enemy, Sister. Just enter your name and then your valentine's name on the output screen  to see the results. Simply enjoy this free love game or calculator.
download the program bellow  and execute it by copying it into your tc-bin or relevant folder that's it



Gud 1 :)

vamshi said...

thank u:)

ramdev said...

superb raa...

vamshi said...

thank you ra,in that programm i used only familiar functions which our mam told,just try to trace it.....

sai sreenivasan said...
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vamshi said...

updated programm for flames
detects illegal names and can access full name(first name,last name)
link is bellow

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